2009/10/15 Stephen Eley <sfe...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Andrew Premdas <aprem...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > You can take this further and state that no public method should ever do
> > anything, it should just contain calls to private methods which document
> how
> > the public method works. I expect most would consider that going to far
> ...
> > sigh
> Once complexity has been managed, what's the value of that strategy?
> I wrote a bit more about this in a blog article some time ago (
I'm afraid my blog is fundamentally anti-social, and can be a bit flakey on
up time so apologies if article is hard to access.

Fundamentally the reason for following this approach is to have code you can
come back to and work on easily. If the public methods of a class document
essentially the algorithm of how the class fulfils it function, and hide the
detail then its much easier to come back to the code and work on it.

    class Car
       def start

of course that was all well and good in the eighties, but in the late
oughties we need to update

    class Car
       def start

Not the greatest example I'm afraid (especially as I don't drive and now
nothing about cars), but hopefully you get the idea

All best


> --
> Have Fun,
>   Steve Eley (sfe...@gmail.com)
>   ESCAPE POD - The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine
>   http://www.escapepod.org
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