David Chelimsky wrote:
> [...]
> Please quote at least the relevant part of the previous email when you
> respond
> [...]
yes ok, i'll keep that in mind.

> If you reverse lines 6 and 7 on http://pastie.org/663143, the example
> _should_ pass, so I'm a bit mystified.
I changed this two lines. Please have a look at the updated pastie: 
http://pastie.org/663143. The test still failes. But it shouldn't! 
Because current_user IS obviously called by the controller.

> That said, why are you specifying
> that current_user is called rather than something about the response? Or 
> is
> this just an excerpt you're using for demonstration?

This is no real test or controller, i would write or use. But i found 
out that this is the root of all my problems with rspec. So i boiled it 
down to this simple example.
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