Tom Hoen wrote:

Using EmailSpec, I am testing the format of emails sent from an observer.

I can verify the deliver_to address, the bcc_to address, and that the message body has the appropriate text.

How are you verifying this?

However, when I test the deliver_from, I am getting an error saying my deliver_from is nil, though when I follow the same steps in development, an email is sent with the appropriate from address. This is the message I am getting:

'Event Notification should be sent from an address with the event description' FAILED

expected #<TMail::Mail port=#<TMail::StringPort:id=0x7342b8a> bodyport=#<TMail::StringPort:id=0x733f598>> to deliver from "mytest Classroom 42 : Janet Teacher1 <>", but it delievered from nil

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

deliver_to's matches? method is as follows:

     def matches?(email)
       @email = email
       @actual_sender = (email.from || []).first
       @actual_sender.eql? @expected_email_addresses

On the email you are testing can you call 'from' on it and see what it returns?

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