On Oct 29, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Amit Kulkarni wrote:

I am trying to write controller spec but i am getting some problem.
Following is the controller code:

def create
 @bb_post = @feature.posts.new( params[ :bb_post ] )
    if @bb_post.save
       flash[ :notice ] = 'Blog post was successfully created.'
       format.html { redirect_to( blog_bb_posts_url ) }
       format.xml  { render :xml => @bb_post, :status => :created,
:location => @bb_post }
       format.html { render :action => "new" }
 format.xml  { render :xml => @bb_post.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }

My controller spec is :
describe BbPostsController, "POST Create" do
context "Admin" do
   fixtures :users, :bb_posts

     it "should create post" do
      @post = mock_model(BbPost, :save => nil)
      BbPost.should_receive(:new).with('title' => 'Test123' ,'body' =>
'test_description', 'abstract' => 'test_abstract').and_return(@post)
      post :create

     it "should save post" do
       @post = mock_model( BbPost, :body => "test_description", :title
=> "test123",  :abstract => "test_abstract" )
       BbPost.should_receive( :new ).and_return @post
       #~ @post.should_receive( :redirect_to
       @post.should redirect_to( blog_bb_posts_url )

This should be:

  response.should redirect_to( blog_bb_posts_url )

       post :create

Now it gives me error

Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'BbPostsController POST Create
Admin should
not create post without login'

This name, "should not create post without login," is not in the code above, so we have no way to diagnose this error. Please be sure to post matching code and failure message.

<BbPost(id: integer, body: text, title: string, comment_count: integer,
tags: st
ring, published: boolean, inappropriate: boolean, permalink: string,
ture_id: integer, bb_post_category_id: integer, created_at: datetime,
: datetime, abstract: text, view_count: integer, user_id: integer,
count: integer, textilized: text, delta: boolean) (class)> expected :new
with ({
"abstract"=>"test_abstract", "body"=>"test_description",
"title"=>"Test123"}) on
ce, but received it 0 times

And it is pointing error at "BbPost.should_receive(:new).with ('title' =>
'Test123' ,'body' => 'test_description', 'abstract' =>

and for second it gives error as
NoMethodError in 'BbPostsController POST Create Admin should save post'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.rewrite
(eval):15:in `edit_profile_url'
And it is pointing error at "@post.should redirect_to ( edit_profile_url

This is the one I explained above - the spec says "@post.should ..." instead of "response.should ..."

Please suggest something on this.I am not able to figure it out.

It's pretty hard to read the code in an email without any syntax highlighting and the email formatting things in unpleasant ways. Even if you include the code in email for posterity, please also post it to http://gist.github.com or http://pastie.org/ or some such in future posts.


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