Fernando Perez wrote:
> Hi,
> Let's take the example of the depot app. In my controller I set @order.
> Then in the view comes the bad stuff:
> @order.items.each do |item|
>   item.product.title
> end
> Now I'm having problems specing item.product.title. A quick and dirty
> fix is to trade a for for an underscore, so I create Item#product_title:
> def product_title
>   product.title
> end
> The problem is that I have a few models that act the same way, so I
> would find myself writing lot's of these little instance methods, and
> the solution looks a bit stupid to me. So how do you handle such issue?
> I thought about composed_of, but AWDWR's examples still break Demeter's
> law and that annoys me.
> Thanks in advance

Hi, please try the Law of Demeter gem

Its a DRY way to apply Law of Demeter with demeter gem

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