On Jan 14, 2010, at 1:17 pm, John Polling wrote:

> I think this is the part that I'm confusing myself with as most Cucumber 
> information talks about using scenarios to drive the code out.  So 
> Cucumber comes first, whereas I used to do the Acceptance testing after 
> all the other TDD stuff.  Maybe that is me doing it wrong though.

The book David mentioned earlier - before the one he wrote himself :) - GOOS[1] 
has a diagram on p40 that shows how the unit test cycle fits inside the 
acceptance test cycle.  You can extend this to as many layers as you like.  I 
wrote a blog post which has a pretty picture of the idea[2].  Ignore the text, 
it's long and rambling and is about something else.  I thought it was a great 
insight, until I realised Kent Beck wrote about self-similarity something like 
5+ years ago[3].




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