On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Onno van der Straaten <
onno.van.der.straa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to install the selenium client with gem install selenium-client.
> This returns the following message
> ERROR:  could not find gem selenium-client locally or in a repository
> BTW, I'm following the RSpec book chapter 22 Automating the Browser with
> Webrat and Selenium.
> Wat this gem removed from the repository?

Something is definitely out of whack. If you go to
http://gemcutter.org/gems/selenium-client, you'll see plenty of versions of
it - you can download the 1.2.17 version from that page.

However, here's what I get from a gem search:

$ gem q -rn selenium-client


Selenium-Client (0.1)

First, note the caps. Second, the version is way old.

I'm in IRC trying to resolve that, but in the mean time you can download it
from the page listed above.


> Thanks,
> Onno
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