On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:49 pm, Rick DeNatale wrote:

> I'd like to write a spec to ensure that this doesn't regress, but my
> imagination is failing me as to how to do it.
> Any ideas?

Yes: don't use inheritance for implementations.  The bug you describe is 
arguably a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle, ie the derived class 
changed the functionality it inherited in a way that broke the expected 
behaviour of all derived classes.

If you can write a spec (possibly shared examples) that defines the contract 
you expect *all* controllers to follow - eg display an error page in this 
situation - you can run that against all your controllers.  Checking that you 
call `super` doesn't necessarily give you this security.

If you want to post #rescue_action_in_public there might be another way, 
depending on your code.  I'm no Rails guru though.

BTW if this sounds like a rant, it is :)  I am constantly stamping my feet over 
the way controllers in Rails, Merb etc are implemented, as they make writing 
specs extremely difficult.

Let me know if this is not clear as I've thrown the email together in a hurry 
before going home for the night...



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