On Feb 1, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> Oh ok.
>> From your code it seems that we are checking the whole app as you 
> mentioned.
> I have tested controllers using rspec.
> So i am not getting which is better to use.
> Since with Rspec we test the objects and here using cucumber(good for 
> writing scenarios and understanding)we are testing the GUI part(using 
> webrat).
> So which is good to use and more effective

>From my perspective, and this is just opinion, it depends on how granular you 
>want your test and how fast it has to run. If you want to test the whole 
>stack, then Cuke is great and it *will* exercise the controller. However, it 
>does it more in the way a user might and can miss some edge cases. However, if 
>you have a set of very specific behaviors like how a controller should respond 
>to various mime types or what exceptions might be raised in certain 
>circumstances, it might be better done using rSpec. Also, typically, a given 
>rSpec test is faster because it doesn't have to load the whole Rails stack and 
>you can mock or stub irrelevant parts.

Just my $.02.
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