Extract redirect logic to an object or helper and test that.

UrlRewriter.new.rewrite('/foods/search/almonds').should == '/almonds'
helper.rewrite_url('/foods/search/almonds').should == '/almonds'

and then you will see that this should probably be called higher up in the call 
stack, in a before_filter. Or even higher up, at your web server, nullifying 
the need for any ruby code in the first place.

Cucumber works, too.  "There's more than one way to kill a cat than by stuffing 
it with butter."


On Feb 21, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Andrew Premdas wrote:

> On 31 January 2010 22:02, Nick Hoffman <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> One of my controller actions sends a redirect if the request URI begins
> with /foods/search
>  34  def search
>  35    return redirect_to "/#{params[:name]}" if
> request.request_uri.match /^\/foods\/search/
> Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to spec this.
> >From everything that I've read while researching this problem, it seems
> that #get and #post only accept the action to call, and a hash of
> parameters. IE:
>  get :action, :some => 'param'
> As a result, I can't do this:
>  121  it 'redirects /foods/search/almonds to /almonds' do
>  122    get '/foods/search/almonds'
>  123    response.should redirect_to "/almonds"
>  124  end
> How can I spec this?
> Thanks for your help,
> Nick
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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> You might find this easier to do as an integration test. I'd use cucumber for 
> this. Personally I think speccing controllers is pretty hard for the benefits 
> it gives, and if you keep your controllers real simple and thin and use 
> cucumber you can discard most controller specs.
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