Hi... I've been studying rspec and found some problems on the rspec.info site:

1. Bad link. On page http://rspec.info/rails/writing/views.html, the link to 
"Spec::Rails::Expectations" (http://rspec.info/rdoc-rails/index.html) gets a 
404 error.

2. Bad core team links. On the community page (http://rspec.info/community/), 
there are several link errors. Steven Baker (Server not found), Aslak Hellesoy 
(Bad gateway), Pat Maddox (Server not found).

3. I couldn't find any way to submit errors/comments on the site. The community 
page suggests that you "...contact the RSpec team." but has no links/directions 
on how to accomplish this.

4. There's no search feature

5. The hypertext links are so subtle (no underlining, no color) as to be 

Jon Seidel, CMC®
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