On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:06 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

> On Jun 22, 2010, at 9:58 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
>> On Tuesday 22 June 2010, David Chelimsky wrote:
>>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 8:27 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
>>>> #_view (and #view in turn) creates just one ActionView::Base
>>>> instance the first time it is called. That's as it is intended.
>>>> The effect is, however, that only assigns up to that point are
>>>> passed to that instance. Consequently, later assigns are ignored.
>>> Stubs and assigns are unrelated, so even though this might be a bug,
>>> I don't think it's the cause of what you're seeing.
>> It is. If I put all the assign(:x, value) before I first access #view, 
>> everything works as expected. The problem I had is entirely unrelated to 
>> stubs.
> Well, to be fair, the initial problem you cited in this thread (even in the 
> subject line) is "partial mocks", not "assigns."
> That said, yes, this is a bug. I'll see if we can do something about that in 
> Rails proper rather than rspec, which is just decorating the rails behavior.


> Cheers,
> David
>> It's just that when I do things in this order
>> view.stub(:something).and_return('foo')
>> assign(:bar, 10)
>> The assign doesn't have an effect. I might as well have
>> view.flash[:notice] = 'Something is rotten.'
>> assign(:bar, 10)
>> and the effect would be the same. Assigns that come after the view is 
>> first initialized are ignored.

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