On Jul 13, 2010, at 7:25 AM, Ivo Dancet wrote:

> Hi
> I'm upgrading an application to rspec2/rails3. A certain suite of tests, that 
> generates a pdf document, uses a before(:all) filter to set the environment 
> using mocks and stubs. Then the pdf gets generated and after that all the 
> tests run on that same pdf document. In rspec2 it seems like I can only use 
> mocks and stubs in in before(:each) filters (thus not in before(:all) 
> filters). Has this been changed, or is this supposed to work (I may be doing 
> something wrong)?

This should never have worked. Mocks and stubs are cleared out after each 
example, which means that even if you set them up before(:all), they'll only be 
set for the first example that runs, after which they go away.

It sounds like you were unknowingly exploiting an unintentional feature.


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