On Jul 18, 2010, at 9:03 PM, Shane Mingins wrote:

> Does Class.new(ActionController::Base) pass it to tests as a constant though? 
>  Reading comment # Expects +controller_class+ as a constant. Example: 
> <tt>tests WidgetController</tt>.   This is just me wondering if I am missing 
> something with that Class.new(ActionController::Base) idiom.
> Patch would just be a revert of 
> http://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec-rails/commit/b488f3c9bd70011f1288f23b55490810b1fc693d
>  though right?
> I can do that and put it on lighthouse if you want ... and it goes up here 
> https://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5645-rspec ??

Yep - didn't realize it was just a revert (nice research!) but feel free to 
patch and post it.

FYI - I have no plans to do a 1.3.3 release any time soon - too much going on 
with Rails 3 and RSpec 2 right now.


> And thanks for replying on Sunday :-)
> Cheers
> Shane
> On 19 July 2010 13:45, David Chelimsky <dchelim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Shane Mingins wrote:
>> And so ...
>>       # Sets the controller class name. Useful if the name can't be inferred 
>> from test class.
>>       # Expects +controller_class+ as a constant. Example: <tt>tests 
>> WidgetController</tt>.
>>       def tests(controller_class)
>>         self.controller_class = controller_class
>>       end
>> But RoutingExampleGroup is: tests Class.new(ActionController::Base)
>> Seems it's being called incorrectly from RoutingExampleGroup, is that right?
> Class.new(ActionController::Base) is standard Ruby for an anonymous subclass. 
> Nothing incorrect about it, but there's no significant value in having it be 
> anonymous, so I'd be OK changing it to a named subclass (i.e. 
> RoutingExampleGroupController < ActionController::Base). Wanna make a patch?
>> On 19 July 2010 13:21, Shane Mingins <e...@mingins.com> wrote:
>> Seems to be related to the line 'tests Class.new(ActionController::Base)' 
>> module Spec
>>   module Rails
>>     module Example
>>       class RoutingExampleGroup < ActionController::TestCase
>>         tests Class.new(ActionController::Base)
>>         Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:routing, self)
>>       end
>>     end
>>   end
>> end
>> On 19 July 2010 12:32, Shane Mingins <e...@mingins.com> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I was wondering if someone could perhaps point me to where in RSpec::Rails 
>> is the Rails ActionController being subclassed by an Object instance?  My 
>> ruby-fu is not high enough to work out what's really going on with 
>> RSpec::Rails with this.
>> The problem I am having (and I have a code example in the github link below 
>> if you want to see, just clone and run rake spec) is that Sunspot is adding 
>> an after filter to already loaded subclasses of ActionController::Base.
>> loaded_controllers =
>>             [base].concat(base.subclasses.map { |subclass| 
>> subclass.constantize })
>> But that map is returning:
>> ["ActionView::TestCase::TestController", "ApplicationController", 
>> "#<Class:0x1022e1168>", 
>> "Spec::Rails::Example::ViewExampleGroupController", 
>> "Spec::Rails::Example::HelperExampleGroupController"]
>> So I am trying to find what #<Class:0x1022e1168> is and where it's 
>> subclassing ActionController.
>> If I comment out config.gem "rspec-rails" in the environment.rb the problem 
>> goes away, but that is not a solution as I have boiled this issue down to 
>> what I have here from a project that is actually using bundler and so these 
>> gems are being specified and required.
>> As I do not know what in RSpec::Rails is actually causing the issue I cannot 
>> raise this as an issue with Sunspot with an example of possibly what they 
>> should be excluding in their code, if that is the solution to move to.
>> So if anyone could help me out in any way??  I'm happy to do more "leg work" 
>> if you could give me some pointers.
>> Cheers
>> Shane
>> git repo showing issue:
>> http://github.com/smingins/rspec-sunspot-conflict
>> using ruby 1.8.7
>> ruby -v
>> ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0]
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