On Jul 12, 2010, at 4:18 AM, Ruprict wrote:

> Hi.
> My issue is similar to the one in this post:
> http://groups.google.com/group/rspec/browse_thread/thread/973d770e45bdd6cd/8ba067476003f08f?lnk=gst&q=render+controller+should_receive#8ba067476003f08f
> (which, btw, I could not reply to...only option was "Reply to Author")
> where I have a RESTful controller.  I want create to redirect/render
> the new action if the model fails to save with the supplied form
> values.  Pretty basic and typical stuff.
> In Rails, if I use
> redirect_to(new_my_model_path)
> then the entered values along with the error_messages on the object
> are lost and I can't re-fill the form or list the errors.  If I use
> render :action => "new"
> then I keep all the request data and can use it to fill in form, etc.
> In my spec, if I use
> controller.should_receive(:render).with({:action=>"new"})
> I get an expectation error that render is never called.  This is true
> if I remove the .with() as well.
> If y'all could let me know either 1) Why my redirect_to vs render
> argument is flawed and/or 2) What I am doing wrong in the spec, I'd
> appreciate it.

Please post the code in the failing spec and the new action, along with the 
backtrace of the error you're getting.


> Thanks,
> Ruprict

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