On Aug 7, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Kristian Mandrup wrote:

> I simply want all methods of a module to be always available within
> the context of an Example group.
> module RSpec
>  module Generator
>      def with_generator &block
>       ...
>      end
>      def setup_generator test_method_name=nil, &block
>        ...
>      end
>  end
> end
> How do I achieve this?
> In RSpec 1 I think you would use ExampleGroupFactory
> I thought I could do it something like this with RSpec 2?
> RSpec.configure do |c|
> c.extend RSpec::Generator
> end
> I want to be able to do something like this
>  before :each do

before hooks are eval'd in the scope of an example, which is an _instance_ of 
the example group class. Try using include instead of extend:

c.include RSpec::Generator


>    setup_generator 'migration_generator' do
>      tests MigrationGenerator
>    end
>  end
>  it "should generate create_user migration" do
>    with_generator do |g|
>      ...
>  end
> Whereas now I have to do it like this, which I find a bit ugly and
> cumbersome
>  it "should generate create_user migration" do
>    RSpec::Generator.with_generator do |g|
>      name = 'create_users'
>    end
>  end
> Thanks.
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