When doing BDD, especially at the start, I found it  really easy to write
more code than you need to, when implementing a particular functional spec.
I also found it really easy to miss the point where you should move into the
inner cycle (unit cycle). Using the unit test coverage metric to make sure
you only write what you need and that all your public method interfaces are
specified at the unit level seems laudable. Of course 100% test coverage by
itself doesn't mean that much, but examining the code you have missed and
the reasons why your application of BDD failed to cover the code is

On 18 December 2010 10:59, Pat Maddox <patmad...@me.com> wrote:

> Why don't functional specs count towards your coverage metric? It sounds
> like you're shooting for 100% unit test coverage -- why? If you write code
> in order to make your functional specs pass, then that code was
> TDD'd...right?
> Pat
> On Dec 10, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Andrew Wagner <wagner.and...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I went back and forth on whether to send this to this list or the
> ruby-talk list, so feel free to tell me to take a hike...
> >
> > I'm working on a personal project where I'm trying to keep a really high
> bar on quality. One of the ways I'm doing that is to stick very close to the
> BDD/TDD cycle as suggested in the RSpec book. However, I'm actually using
> rspec for both the feature-level (BDD) tests and the unit-level (TDD) tests.
> I'm also striving for 100% test coverage using Simplecov.
> >
> > That said, I just realized that, to enforce that cycle, it's also
> important that I ask "do my unit tests by themselves provide 100% test
> coverage?". Because, otherwise, it's easy to get excited and write code to
> make the feature past, that isn't TDD'd.
> >
> > Anyway, all that to ask: is there some way to configure Simplecov to emit
> code coverage stats for just a subset of all the tests that are running?
> That is, I want to set up my rakefile such that it runs all my tests, but
> only reports on code coverage for the unit tests.
> >
> > Am I going about this with the right mindset? Any suggestions?
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