On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 05:05, David Chelimsky wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Marko Anastasov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I set a value in controller spec using @request.cookies:
>> https://gist.github.com/371356ba0a19666fd3b5
>> but when the controller reads it, it's nil somehow, as this screenshot
>> from the debugger shows:
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/830772/p/Selection_033.jpeg
>> This does not occur in development environment. I'm using RSpec 2.4
>> and Rails 3.
>> Does someone have an idea what I am doing wrong / how to solve this?
> That looks like it should work, and I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
> What's happening is that the object returned by @request.cookies is a Hash, 
> but the object returned by cookies() in the controller is an 
> ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar. If you print them both out with .inspect, 
> they'll both say they are {:lastfm_username => "rj"}, but the answer 
> differently to other questions:
> # in spec
> @request.cookies[:lastfm_username] # => "rj"
> @request.cookies["lastfm_username"] # => nil
> # in controller
> cookies[:lastfm_username] # => nil
> cookies["lastfm_username"] # => nil
> You'll see exactly the same behavior, btw, in a Rails functional test (which 
> an RSpec controller spec wraps), so this is happening in the Rails test 
> infrastructure, not RSpec. Care to log a bug report in the Rails tracker?
> https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/

Thanks for your explanation David. I created Rails ticket #6272.

Later I found a workaround of using request.cookies in the controller,
but it would be nice if it would just work with cookies.

Btw I was also not sure when to use symbols, and when keys. Eg if I
set a value in controller:
cookies.permanent[:lastfm_username] = username

then in spec, I need to obtain the value with a string:
cookies["lastfm_username"].should == "rj"

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