On 26 Jan 2011, at 15:29, David Chelimsky wrote:

> On Jan 26, 2011, at 7:34 AM, Rob Aldred wrote:
>> I'm having a bit of trouble stubbing out a method on a model which has some 
>> quite specific behaviour.
>> Basically I want to check the method returns something different after ive 
>> called update_attributes
>> eg.
>> @exam.draft?  (returns true)
>> @exam.update_attributes(params[:exam])  # sets draft to false
>> @exam.draft?  (returns false)
> You're testing the framework here. Why?
>> To give this some context, if the exam is a draft and update_attributes sets 
>> draft to false
>> then we want to redirect to the show view instead of edit because only exams 
>> that are draft can be edited.
>> if @exam.draft?
>>      @exam.update_attributes param[:exam]
>> end
>> if @exam.draft?
>>      redirect_to :action => :edit
>> else
>>      redirect_to :action => :show
>> end
>> I can obviously set consecutive values with and_return(true,false)
>> but this feels a bit unreliable? maybe im just confusing myself
> My first question is why the update_attributes needs to be conditional? 
> Couldn't you just do:
> @exam.update_attributes param[:exam]
> if @exam.draft?
>       redirect_to :action => :edit
> else
>       redirect_to :action => :show
> end

Published (not draft) exams are not allowed to be edited

We are using couchDB the couchrest_model gem does not implement 
so there is no way to check for changing values eg...   draft_was or 
draft_changed? so implementing a validator in the model is a pain without 
making another call to the db to check the current draft status before_save

The reason for the double conditional because if the user passes the draft 
param set to false (To make the exam published) we need to allow them to save 
the instance.

We then use the 2nd conditional to decide where to send them based on the final 
state of the exam instance
whether draft was changed or not.

> If it must be the way you have it, I wouldn't do this with stubs on the @exam 
> itself. I'd do what you need to do to set the exam in a draft state 
> (Factory(:exam, :draft => true)???), and then invoke the controller action 
> with :draft => true in one example, and :draft => false in the other.
> That make sense?

Yes, this would work and your right I guess I was testing the framework.
This seems like a workable solution.

Thanks for your time.

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