One of the things that always annoys me when I write/use typical macros in my 
specs is how the backtrace from failures don't include the caller of the macro. 
Not a huge deal because the example name can be used to track it down, but I 
lose the ability to do things like click on the line from the backtrace in my 
IDE(I use RubyMine). I find that feature to be a nice time saver. I've never 
heard any mention of this bothering anybody so maybe I'm just being pedantic 
but tweaking things so that the actual example implementation is yielded by the 
caller seems like a better style to me because it solves that problem. Just 
curious if anybody else has any thoughts one way or the other. I've been 
leaning toward the latter when possible.

Full example at:

ex. When the example below fails, line 17 is significant

     5  describe Email do
     6    describe '.normalize', ' should strip email down to core address' do 
     7      def self.normalized(original, options)
     8        it %{normalizes '#{original}' as '#{options[:should_be]}'} do
     9          Email.normalize(original).should == options[:should_be]
    10        end
    11      end
    16      describe 'it strips whitespace' do
    17        normalized('', :should_be => 
    18      end


  1) Email.normalize should strip email down to core address it strips 
whitespace normalizes '' as ''
     Failure/Error: Email.normalize(original).should == options[:should_be]
       expected: ""
            got: "" (using ==)
     # org/jruby/ `call'
     # ./spec/lib/email_spec.rb:9:in `normalized'
     # org/jruby/ `instance_eval'

Compare to this where the significant lines are present in the backtrace

describe Email do
     6    describe '.normalize', ' should strip email down to core address' do 
     7      def self.normalized(original, &blk)
     8        describe "'#{original}'" do
     9          subject { Email.normalize(original) }
    10          it { instance_eval(&blk) }
    11        end
    12      end
    17      describe 'it strips whitespace' do
    18        normalized('') { should == 
'' }
    19      end


  1) Email.normalize should strip email down to core address it strips 
whitespace '' 
     Failure/Error: normalized('') { should == 
'' }
       expected: ""
            got: "" (using ==)
     # org/jruby/ `call'
     # ./spec/lib/email_spec.rb:18:in `(root)'
     # org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
     # ./spec/lib/email_spec.rb:10:in `normalized'
     # org/jruby/ `instance_eval'

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