On Sep 30, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Patrick J. Collins wrote:

> Am I correct in understanding that the point of using let is that it can
> minimize database calls due to memoization?
> describe "#something" do
>  let(:something) = Something.groovy_scope
>  it "does x" do
>    something.first.x.should have_coolness
>  end
>  it "does y" do
>        something.first.y.should_not have_coolness
>  end
> end
> vs.
> describe "#something" do
>  before :each do
>    @something = Something.groovy_scope
>  end
>  it "does x" do
>        @something.first.x.should_not have_coolness
>  end
>  it "does y" do
>        @something.first.y.should_not have_coolness
>  end
> end
> ...
> Is that the proper usage?

Proper usage, sure, but the memoization is only within each example - not 
across examples. That way you can do this:

let(:thing) { Thing.new }

it "does something" do

In that case each reference to thing returns the same object.

Make sense?
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