On 3 Nov 2011, at 22:36, Patrick J. Collins wrote:

> So, I am writing tests for a presenter class that outputs html markup.
> I have a method that does something like this:
> def output
>  things.map do |thing|
>    content_tag :div, :id => thing[:id] do
>          [content_tag :p, thing[:body_1],
>                content_tag :p, thing[:body_2].join.html_safe
>        end
>  end.join.html_safe
> end
> ...
> Then my spec is something like this:
>  it "returns markup" do
>       @presenter.stubs(:things).returns({:id => "an_id", :body_1 => "hello",
>        :body_2 => "goodbye"})
>   @presenter.output.should == filter_for_html("
>               <div id="an_id">
>                       <p>hello</p>
>                       <p>goodbye</p>
>          </div>
>        ")
>  end
> and I made this filter_for_html helper method which allows me to not care 
> about
> whitespace...  So that just does:
>  def filter_for_html(markup)
>    markup.squeeze(" ").strip.gsub(/\n\s+/, "")
>  end
> And this effctively strips out all the whitespace and gives me a string like:
> "<div id="an_id"><p>hello</p><p>goodbye</p></div>"
> ...
> Now for my question--- I have two problems and am not sure what the best to
> solve either one is:
> 1)  The match fails because content_tag apparently inserts in a few \n's here
> and there.
> 2)  My background explanation was actually quite simplified, and my presenter
> class is actually rendering some haml partials, and something like %ul.foo
> turns into <ul class='foo'>  (note the SINGLE QUOTES)..  So my test fails
> because my expectation code uses double classes
> 3)  Some of the text generated via the partials is calling things like
> .humanize which capitalize text and I am not really concerned about those
> details in my test..........
> So the way I got my test passing is to do:
> @presenter.output.gsub("\n", "").gsub("'", "\"").downcase.should == 
> filter_for_html(' ... same content as before ... ')
> Which I don't know about you, but that makes me go "ewwwwwwwwww".  And makes
> all the RSpec readibility go out the window.  Is there something I should be
> doing with a custom matcher or something to test for case-indifferent text,
> ignore whitespace and \n, and be quote indifferent?
> Thanks.
> Patrick J. Collins
> http://collinatorstudios.com

I realise this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I'm curious: where did 
you get the idea that a presenter should know anything about HTML?


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