Great thanks!

So now I am at least calling the method - But when I try to add in the
params that I'm being sent I keep returning nil -
  Failure/Error: @record.save_cf_data(result)
       You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
       You might have expected an instance of Array.
       The error occurred while evaluating nil.delete

In the above case I create the hash as result
= {"final_outputs"=>["surname"=>["hagan"]]}

When I manually place in the params -
       You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
       You might have expected an instance of Array.
       The error occurred while evaluating nil.first

So now as I go down this path, I would say that I am not feeding into the
method my params. How would it be best to do that?

I am right now just trying to use rspec with no additional params.

Thanks again!

Tony Spore

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 2:14 PM, David Chelimsky <>wrote:

> On Nov 12, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Tony Spore wrote:
> I am attempting to test a custom method, and totally bombing out.
> describe Record do
>   describe '#save_cf_data' do
>     before  :each do
>       @record = mock_model(Record)
> mock_model creates a test double, or pure mock ...
>     end
>     it "should have a birthday" do
>       @record.save_cf_data({"final_outputs"=>["birth_day"=>["3"]]})
>       @record.birth_day.should eql 3
> ... which means that @record here ^^ is a test double, not a Record object
> ...
>     end
> end
> My Model looks like this:
> class Record < ActiveRecord::Base
>    def save_cf_data(params)
>      result = params[:final_outputs].first
>        ....
>       self.birth_day = result['birth_day'].first
>   end
> end
> ... which means that this class definition ^^ has nothing to do with
> anything in the example above.
> I have this output - As if I'm not hitting the method correctly -
> Mock "Record_1002" received unexpected message :save_cf_data with
> ({"final_outputs"=>[{"birth_day"=>["3"]}]})
> What you want is either stub_model, or just or, if you're using
> something like factory_girl,
> See and
> for
> more info.
> HTH,
> David
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