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On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:34, Vin MR <> wrote:

> I'm new with Ruby and Cucumber.  I've tried this simple test, but it
> didn't work for me
> Given ....
> When I enter ABC on keyboard
> Then ...
> And here is the ruby code
> When /^I enter "([^\"]*) on keyboard$/ do |input|
> .....
> end
> I always get a complain when executing the test
> "You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with there
> snippets:
> When /^I enter ABC on keyboard$/ do
>  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
> end
> "
> And the code above was not executed.
> Can anyone tell what I've done wrong here?
> Thanks.
> --
> Posted via
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