
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 09:42, Patrick J. Collins
<patr...@collinatorstudios.com> wrote:
> I just spent a lot of time trying to get a test to pass that would not pass no
> matter what I did, and I finally decided to just do something really simple to
> verify that even that was working-- and it's not.
> class PostsController < ApplicationController
>        def create
>                debugger # or binding.pry
>        end
> end
> --
> #controllers/post_spec.rb

Shouldn't this be called `spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb`?

> describe PostsController do
>        it "does not work" do
>                post :create
>        end
> end
> ...
> I never see the debugger prompt..  Can anyone PLEASE tell me why this is not
> working?  In any other test, binding.pry or debugger interrupts the test flow
> and gives me access to the current scope of the debugger call.

Also as David suggests, perhaps it's a before_filter somewhere sending
a response before the request is passed to PostsController#create.

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