The branch, master has been updated
       via  feb2fff8 Put the optimizations into their own list.
       via  7d30490e Simplify the daemon parameter definitions
       via  317beebe Avoid crash of transfer logging w/default log format.
       via  7a413c97 Avoid strdup redefinition warning.
      from  5be73632 Avoid bloating the src-dir scan.;a=shortlog;h=master

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit feb2fff894fff1509fd132bbe80f123d28fcea72
Author: Wayne Davison <>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 19:11:28 2020 -0700

    Put the optimizations into their own list.

commit 7d30490ef4ff30746e09d3919c304d6f0bce2d42
Author: Wayne Davison <>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 18:16:55 2020 -0700

    Simplify the daemon parameter definitions
    The code now derives all the struct defines, default value assignments,
    parser-param defines, and lp_foo() accessor functions from a single list
    of daemon parameters.

commit 317beebef8b0f60eb36255b35cbea71c84f6ac38
Author: Wayne Davison <>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 12:02:48 2020 -0700

    Avoid crash of transfer logging w/default log format.

commit 7a413c972246250a8fc8302548489c031de3b0c1
Author: Wayne Davison <>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 08:27:20 2020 -0700

    Avoid strdup redefinition warning.


Summary of changes:
 .gitignore          |   1 +         |   9 +-             |   8 ++
 daemon-parm.awk     | 114 +++++++++++++++
 daemon-parm.txt     |  65 +++++++++
 loadparm.c          | 398 ++++------------------------------------------------
 options.c           |  36 ++---          |   3 -
 rsync.h             |   1 +
 testsuite/rsync.fns |   6 +-
 10 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 396 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 daemon-parm.awk
 create mode 100644 daemon-parm.txt

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5817ccd5..b8e90ca4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ aclocal.m4
diff --git a/ b/
index f5c788db..672fcc47 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $(CHECK_OBJS): $(HEADERS)
 tls.o xattrs.o: lib/sysxattrs.h
 options.o: latest-year.h help-rsync.h help-rsyncd.h
 exclude.o: default-cvsignore.h
-loadparm.o: default-dont-compress.h
+loadparm.o: default-dont-compress.h daemon-parm.h
 flist.o: rounding.h
@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ default-cvsignore.h default-dont-compress.h: 
 help-rsync.h help-rsyncd.h: help-from-md.awk
        $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/help-from-md.awk -v hfile=$@ $(srcdir)/
+daemon-parm.h: daemon-parm.txt daemon-parm.awk
+       $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/daemon-parm.awk $(srcdir)/daemon-parm.txt
 rounding.h: rounding.c rsync.h proto.h
        @for r in 0 1 3; do \
            if $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o rounding 
-DEXTRA_ROUNDING=$$r -I. $(srcdir)/rounding.c >rounding.out 2>&1; then \
@@ -228,8 +231,8 @@ proto: proto.h-tstamp
 proto.h: proto.h-tstamp
        @if test -f proto.h; then :; else cp -p $(srcdir)/proto.h .; fi
-proto.h-tstamp: $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c config.h
-       $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mkproto.awk $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c
+proto.h-tstamp: $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c config.h daemon-parm.h
+       $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mkproto.awk $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c 
 .PHONY: man
 man: rsync.1 rsync-ssl.1 rsyncd.conf.5
diff --git a/ b/
index 8d35e252..2b192b38 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ Protocol: 31 (unchanged)
+ - Avoid a crash when a daemon module enables `transfer logging` without
+   setting a `log format` value.
  - Fixed installing rsync-ssl script from an alternate build dir.
  - Fixed the updating of from an alternate build dir.
@@ -40,6 +43,8 @@ Protocol: 31 (unchanged)
    die when out of memory.  This eliminated some caller-side check-and-die
    code and added some missing sanity-checking of allocations.
+ - Put optimizations into their own list in the `--version` output.
  - Improved the man page a bit more.
@@ -58,6 +63,9 @@ Protocol: 31 (unchanged)
  - Moved the version number out of into its own version.h file so
    that we don't need to reconfigure just because the version number changes.
+ - Moved the daemon parameter list into daemon-parm.txt so that an awk script
+   can create the interrelated structs and accessors that loadparm.c needs.
 <a name="3.2.1"></a>
diff --git a/daemon-parm.awk b/daemon-parm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..efc15474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon-parm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# The caller must pass arg: daemon-parm.txt
+# The resulting code is output into daemon-parm.h
+    heading = "/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!  It is auto-generated from a list of 
values in " ARGV[1] "! */"
+    sect = psect = defines = accessors = prior_ptype = ""
+    values = "\nstatic const all_vars Defaults = {\n    { /* Globals: */\n"
+    params = "\nstatic struct parm_struct parm_table[] = {"
+    exp_line = "\n/********** EXP **********/\n"
+    tdstruct = "typedef struct {"
+/^\s*$/ { next }
+/^#/ { next }
+/^Globals:/ {
+    if (defines != "") {
+       print "The Globals section must come first!"
+       defines = ""
+       exit
+    }
+    defines = tdstruct
+    exps = exp_values = exp_line
+    sect = "GLOBAL"
+    psect = ", P_GLOBAL, &Vars.g."
+    next
+/^Locals:/ {
+    if (sect == "") {
+       print "The Locals section must come after the Globals!"
+       exit
+    }
+    defines = defines exps "} global_vars;\n\n" tdstruct
+    values = values exp_values "\n    }, { /* Locals: */\n"
+    exps = exp_values = exp_line
+    sect = "LOCAL"
+    psect = ", P_LOCAL, &Vars.l."
+    next
+    ptype = $1
+    name = $2
+    $1 = $2 = ""
+    sub(/^[ \t]+/, "")
+    if (ptype != prior_ptype) {
+       defines = defines "\n/********** " ptype " **********/\n"
+       values = values "\n/********** " ptype " **********/\n"
+       params = params "\n"
+       accessors = accessors "\n"
+       prior_ptype = ptype
+    }
+    if (ptype == "STRING" || ptype == "PATH") {
+       atype = "STRING"
+       vtype = "char*"
+    } else if (ptype == "BOOL") {
+       atype = vtype = "BOOL"
+    } else {
+       atype = "INTEGER"
+       vtype = "int"
+    }
+    # We have 2 variables that don't match their conf string. Oh well...
+    if (name == "bind_address")
+       spname = "address"
+    else if (name == "rsync_port")
+       spname = "port"
+    else {
+       spname = name
+       gsub(/_/, " ", spname)
+       gsub(/-/, "", name)
+    }
+    if (ptype == "ENUM")
+       enum = "enum_" name
+    else
+       enum = "NULL"
+    defines = defines "\t" vtype " " name ";\n"
+    values = values "\t" $0 ", /* " name " */\n"
+    params = params " {\"" spname "\", P_" ptype psect name ", " enum ", 0},\n"
+    accessors = accessors "FN_" sect "_" atype "(lp_" name ", " name ")\n"
+    if (vtype == "char*") {
+       exps = exps "\tBOOL " name "_EXP;\n"
+       exp_values = exp_values "\tFalse, /* " name "_EXP */\n"
+    }
+    next
+/./ {
+    print "Extraneous line:" $0
+    defines = ""
+    exit
+END {
+    if (sect != "" && defines != "") {
+       defines = defines exps "} local_vars;\n\n"
+       defines = defines tdstruct "\n\tglobal_vars g;\n\tlocal_vars l;\n} 
+       values = values exp_values "\n    }\n};\n\nstatic all_vars Vars;\n"
+       params = params "\n {NULL, P_BOOL, P_NONE, NULL, NULL, 0}\n};\n"
+       print heading "\n\n" defines values params accessors > "daemon-parm.h"
+    } else {
+       print "Failed to parse the data in " ARGV[1]
+       exit 1
+    }
diff --git a/daemon-parm.txt b/daemon-parm.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36ae5115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon-parm.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Globals: ================================================================
+STRING bind_address            NULL
+STRING daemon_chroot           NULL
+STRING daemon_gid              NULL
+STRING daemon_uid              NULL
+STRING motd_file               NULL
+STRING pid_file                NULL
+STRING socket_options          NULL
+INTEGER        listen_backlog          5
+INTEGER        rsync_port              0
+BOOL   proxy_protocol          False
+Locals: =================================================================
+STRING auth_users              NULL
+STRING charset                 NULL
+STRING comment                 NULL
+STRING dont_compress           DEFAULT_DONT_COMPRESS
+STRING early_exec              NULL
+STRING exclude                 NULL
+STRING exclude_from            NULL
+STRING filter                  NULL
+STRING gid                     NULL
+STRING hosts_allow             NULL
+STRING hosts_deny              NULL
+STRING include                 NULL
+STRING include_from            NULL
+STRING incoming_chmod          NULL
+STRING lock_file               DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE
+STRING log_file                NULL
+STRING log_format              "%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l"
+STRING name                    NULL
+STRING outgoing_chmod          NULL
+STRING post-xfer_exec          NULL
+STRING pre-xfer_exec           NULL
+STRING refuse_options          NULL
+STRING secrets_file            NULL
+STRING syslog_tag              "rsyncd"
+STRING uid                     NULL
+PATH   path                    NULL
+PATH   temp_dir                NULL
+INTEGER        max_connections         0
+INTEGER        max_verbosity           1
+INTEGER        timeout                 0
+ENUM   syslog_facility         LOG_DAEMON
+BOOL   fake_super              False
+BOOL   forward_lookup          True
+BOOL   ignore_errors           False
+BOOL   ignore_nonreadable      False
+BOOL   list                    True
+BOOL   munge_symlinks          (BOOL)-1
+BOOL   numeric_ids             (BOOL)-1
+BOOL   read_only               True
+BOOL   reverse_lookup          True
+BOOL   strict_modes            True
+BOOL   transfer_logging        False
+BOOL   use_chroot              True
+BOOL   write_only              False
diff --git a/loadparm.c b/loadparm.c
index 819888c5..5e532da2 100644
--- a/loadparm.c
+++ b/loadparm.c
@@ -87,234 +87,6 @@ struct parm_struct {
 #define LP_SNUM_OK(i) ((i) >= 0 && (i) < (int)section_list.count)
 #define SECTION_PTR(s, p) (((char*)(s)) + 
-/* This structure describes global (ie., server-wide) parameters. */
-typedef struct {
-       char *bind_address;
-       char *daemon_chroot;
-       char *daemon_gid;
-       char *daemon_uid;
-       char *motd_file;
-       char *pid_file;
-       char *socket_options;
-       /* Each _EXP var tracks if the associated char* var has been expanded 
yet or not. */
-       BOOL bind_address_EXP;
-       BOOL daemon_chroot_EXP;
-       BOOL daemon_gid_EXP;
-       BOOL daemon_uid_EXP;
-       BOOL motd_file_EXP;
-       BOOL pid_file_EXP;
-       BOOL socket_options_EXP;
-       int listen_backlog;
-       int rsync_port;
-       BOOL proxy_protocol;
-} global_vars;
-/* This structure describes a single section.  Their order must match the
- * initializers below, which you can accomplish by keeping each sub-section
- * sorted.  (e.g. in vim, just visually select each subsection and use !sort.)
- * NOTE: the char* variables MUST all remain at the start of the struct! */
-typedef struct {
-       char *auth_users;
-       char *charset;
-       char *comment;
-       char *dont_compress;
-       char *early_exec;
-       char *exclude;
-       char *exclude_from;
-       char *filter;
-       char *gid;
-       char *hosts_allow;
-       char *hosts_deny;
-       char *include;
-       char *include_from;
-       char *incoming_chmod;
-       char *lock_file;
-       char *log_file;
-       char *log_format;
-       char *name;
-       char *outgoing_chmod;
-       char *path;
-       char *postxfer_exec;
-       char *prexfer_exec;
-       char *refuse_options;
-       char *secrets_file;
-       char *syslog_tag;
-       char *temp_dir;
-       char *uid;
-       /* Each _EXP var tracks if the associated char* var has been expanded 
yet or not. */
-       BOOL auth_users_EXP;
-       BOOL charset_EXP;
-       BOOL comment_EXP;
-       BOOL dont_compress_EXP;
-       BOOL early_exec_EXP;
-       BOOL exclude_EXP;
-       BOOL exclude_from_EXP;
-       BOOL filter_EXP;
-       BOOL gid_EXP;
-       BOOL hosts_allow_EXP;
-       BOOL hosts_deny_EXP;
-       BOOL include_EXP;
-       BOOL include_from_EXP;
-       BOOL incoming_chmod_EXP;
-       BOOL lock_file_EXP;
-       BOOL log_file_EXP;
-       BOOL log_format_EXP;
-       BOOL name_EXP;
-       BOOL outgoing_chmod_EXP;
-       BOOL path_EXP;
-       BOOL postxfer_exec_EXP;
-       BOOL prexfer_exec_EXP;
-       BOOL refuse_options_EXP;
-       BOOL secrets_file_EXP;
-       BOOL syslog_tag_EXP;
-       BOOL temp_dir_EXP;
-       BOOL uid_EXP;
-       int max_connections;
-       int max_verbosity;
-       int syslog_facility;
-       int timeout;
-       BOOL fake_super;
-       BOOL forward_lookup;
-       BOOL ignore_errors;
-       BOOL ignore_nonreadable;
-       BOOL list;
-       BOOL munge_symlinks;
-       BOOL numeric_ids;
-       BOOL read_only;
-       BOOL reverse_lookup;
-       BOOL strict_modes;
-       BOOL transfer_logging;
-       BOOL use_chroot;
-       BOOL write_only;
-} local_vars;
-/* This structure describes the global variables (g) as well as the globally
- * specified values of the local variables (l), which are used when modules
- * don't specify their own values. */
-typedef struct {
-       global_vars g;
-       local_vars l;
-} all_vars;
-/* The application defaults for all the variables.  "Defaults" is
- * used to re-initialize "Vars" before each config-file read.
- *
- * In order to keep these sorted in the same way as the structure
- * above, use the variable name in the leading comment, including a
- * trailing ';' (to avoid a sorting problem with trailing digits). */
-static const all_vars Defaults = {
- /* ==== global_vars ==== */
- {
- /* bind_address; */           NULL,
- /* daemon_chroot; */          NULL,
- /* daemon_gid; */             NULL,
- /* daemon_uid; */             NULL,
- /* motd_file; */              NULL,
- /* pid_file; */               NULL,
- /* socket_options; */         NULL,
- /* bind_address_EXP; */       False,
- /* daemon_chroot_EXP; */      False,
- /* daemon_gid_EXP; */         False,
- /* daemon_uid_EXP; */         False,
- /* motd_file_EXP; */          False,
- /* pid_file_EXP; */           False,
- /* socket_options_EXP; */     False,
- /* listen_backlog; */         5,
- /* rsync_port; */             0,
- /* proxy_protocol; */         False,
- },
- /* ==== local_vars ==== */
- {
- /* auth_users; */             NULL,
- /* charset; */                NULL,
- /* comment; */                NULL,
- /* dont_compress; */          DEFAULT_DONT_COMPRESS,
- /* early_exec; */             NULL,
- /* exclude; */                NULL,
- /* exclude_from; */           NULL,
- /* filter; */                 NULL,
- /* gid; */                    NULL,
- /* hosts_allow; */            NULL,
- /* hosts_deny; */             NULL,
- /* include; */                        NULL,
- /* include_from; */           NULL,
- /* incoming_chmod; */         NULL,
- /* lock_file; */              DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE,
- /* log_file; */               NULL,
- /* log_format; */             "%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l",
- /* name; */                   NULL,
- /* outgoing_chmod; */         NULL,
- /* path; */                   NULL,
- /* postxfer_exec; */          NULL,
- /* prexfer_exec; */           NULL,
- /* refuse_options; */         NULL,
- /* secrets_file; */           NULL,
- /* syslog_tag; */             "rsyncd",
- /* temp_dir; */               NULL,
- /* uid; */                    NULL,
- /* auth_users_EXP; */         False,
- /* charset_EXP; */            False,
- /* comment_EXP; */            False,
- /* dont_compress_EXP; */      False,
- /* early_exec_EXP; */         False,
- /* exclude_EXP; */            False,
- /* exclude_from_EXP; */       False,
- /* filter_EXP; */             False,
- /* gid_EXP; */                        False,
- /* hosts_allow_EXP; */                False,
- /* hosts_deny_EXP; */         False,
- /* include_EXP; */            False,
- /* include_from_EXP; */       False,
- /* incoming_chmod_EXP; */     False,
- /* lock_file_EXP; */          False,
- /* log_file_EXP; */           False,
- /* log_format_EXP; */         False,
- /* name_EXP; */               False,
- /* outgoing_chmod_EXP; */     False,
- /* path_EXP; */               False,
- /* postxfer_exec_EXP; */      False,
- /* prexfer_exec_EXP; */       False,
- /* refuse_options_EXP; */     False,
- /* secrets_file_EXP; */       False,
- /* syslog_tag_EXP; */         False,
- /* temp_dir_EXP; */           False,
- /* uid_EXP; */                        False,
- /* max_connections; */                0,
- /* max_verbosity; */          1,
- /* syslog_facility; */                LOG_DAEMON,
- /* timeout; */                        0,
- /* fake_super; */             False,
- /* forward_lookup; */         True,
- /* ignore_errors; */          False,
- /* ignore_nonreadable; */     False,
- /* list; */                   True,
- /* munge_symlinks; */         (BOOL)-1,
- /* numeric_ids; */            (BOOL)-1,
- /* read_only; */              True,
- /* reverse_lookup; */         True,
- /* strict_modes; */           True,
- /* transfer_logging; */       False,
- /* use_chroot; */             True,
- /* write_only; */             False,

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