I noticed that NT4 did not work well with Rsync 2.3.1 as a service on
a well connected network (100MB). I switched to use the Linux daemon
and all has been well since then.  Good or bad, I've stayed at 2.3.1
rather than upgrade.  

I'd be interested on what version I should be using with a bunch of
W2K/NT4 clients talking to a RH6.2 rsync daemon.

>I know the NT port isn't exactly "official" but has anyone else noticed
>problems with it when talking to Linux clients?
>We're trying to rsync data between a Linux rsync client and NT rsync server,
>over a very well-used 128Kb Frame-Relay site from New Zealand to Sunnyvale
>California (read: major latency issues). Whenever the Linux rsync client is
>used more than a couple of times against the NT server (could be just
>getting rsync share listing, could be actual replication), it crashes the
>rsync server! If the same action is done from a NT workstation running
>rsync, the problem doesn't occur.
>It looks to me like some IP-stack issue, but other than that I'm stumped -
>can't really do much debugging on the NT side, so I don't know much more.
>This has been seen with rsync from 2.1 - 2.4...
>Jason Haar
>Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
>Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

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