>>>>> On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:02:17 -0500 (EST), Matt Sabourin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

    Matt> Right now, I have created multiple templates on the server, one
    Matt> per client.  This takes care of the permissions problem, and
    Matt> ensures that the /u directory does not contain extra
    Matt> files/directories.  The problem is maintaining the templates on
    Matt> the server becomes difficult.

Why not using a less centralistic approach, such as with cfengine
(http://www.iu.hioslo.no/cfengine/) where you could state declaratively a
description of all your machines ?

    Ronan KERYELL              |\/
    Labo Informatique Télécom  |/)  Tel:    (+33|0)
    ENST Bretagne, BP832       K    Fax:    (+33|0)
    29285 BREST CEDEX          |\   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    FRANCE                     | \  http://www-info.enst-bretagne.fr/~keryell

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