Here's a mystery (to me at least!):

I've got a symbolic link on the source disk which looks like this:

> ls -l /proj/axaf/Simul/bin/mips4_r10k-IRIX-6/spatquant_bp
/proj/axaf/Simul/bin/mips4_r10k-IRIX-6/spatquant_bp -> 

my rsyncd.conf looks like:

path = /proj/axaf/Simul/bin
read only = no

I run rsync on the source machine as

rsync -vrlptx --port=9753 \
      --delete \
      --force \
      --include '*/' \
      --include '**mips*-IRIX*/*' \
      --exclude '*' \
      /proj/axaf/Simul/bin/ jeeves::proj_axaf_simul_bin_xfer

and it turns the file on the remote disk into:

jeeves-155: ls -l /proj/axaf/Simul/bin/mips4_r10k-IRIX-6/spatquant_bp
/proj/axaf/Simul/bin/mips4_r10k-IRIX-6/spatquant_bp ->

Whatever happened to the leading /?


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