On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, John Poltorak wrote:
>I am trying to set up an RSYNC server, and looking at the man pages
>it looks like a trivial enough task...
>It seems as though I need to create a /etc/rsyncd.conf with something
>like this in it:-
>        path = /pub
>        comment = ftp export area
>Then all I need to do is run:-
>rsync --daemon
>Is there more to it? There must be, because this doesn't work.
>When I run rsync like this, it immediately returns to the command
>prompt. No error msgs appear. Is there a debug mode which I can use to
>to make sure it is at least picking up the cfg file correctly?

If you then do "ps ax|grep rsync" (that's Unix; I have no idea the OS/2
equivalent), you should see that it is running. When it's a daemon started from
the command line, it forks, the parent returns immediately, and the client
detaches from the terminal and becomes a daemon.

If you now type "rsync localhost::", it should reply "ftp". Without the daemon
running in the background, you will get an error (unless you have something
else that responds to port 873, such as an rsync entry in /etc/inetd.conf).


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