On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Khanh Pham wrote:
>I want to use the rsync to copy folders to remote machine.
>I do cammand
>%rsync -e ssh -v -r user@host:dest  it ok. But it prompt me to input the password.
>In order  to  avoid inputing the password,
>I've written the password into a file at /home/my/password.ini then I do cammand :
>%rsync -e ssh --password-file=/home/my/password.ini -v -r user@host:dest 
>But it still prompt me to input the password.
>What do I do to avoid inputing the password?
>Please reply as soon as.

--password-file is for rsync passwords, not ssh passwords. Put your ssh public
key on the remote machine and it should work (though I've seen it not work).


  • rsync? Khanh Pham
    • Pierre Abbat

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