On  2 May 2001, Jeff Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, all, for the suggestions.  None of them seemed to work,
> though.  Last round of testing I removed the R option and added an * after
> the trailing directory slash in the exclude file.
> Specifically, here is the command I used:
> rsync -aq -exclude-from=/root/exclude.txt \
>        -e /usr/local/bin/ssh * redhat62:/backup/rsync/firewall

A few points:

 - Long options must start with '--', so you need


  I'm guessing this is just a typo, because otherwise you would
  probably get some kind of error message.

 - In recent versions, you can use -vv for an explanation of why files
   are being excluded or included 

 - Your syntax tells it to look in /proc, but then throw away all
   files that don't start with a dot.  (* does not match .foo).
   Instead, just have in your exclude list


   and those directories will be pruned from the search.

You'r getting those errors because rsync is trying to traverse /proc,
which is not a real filesystem but rather contains magic files that
appear and disappear as processes run on the system.

> Rsync looks to be much better!  And, if I have to, I can live with the
> error messages cron generates--it just seems that there ought to be a way
> to do this without the error messages.

Let us know how it works out.

Happy hacking!

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