
If I use rsync of a smaller set of files the "--delete" option delete
files on the recieving side.

But I can not get this to work on big set of files (In this case I try to
rsync a whole machine "/").

Version of rsync on both sides are 2.4.6
Sender: Solaris 2.6
Reciever: FreeBSD 4.1.1

Command used is :

/opt/bin/rsync -vazR --timeout=2400 --bwlimit=500 --numeric-ids \
        --exclude-from=/opt/etc/rsync-exclude.list \
        --delete --delete-excluded \
        -e '/opt/bin/ssh -i /.ssh/identity.rsync -l root -C -x' \
        / recieving-host:/rsync-dest-dir/

No files or directories get's deleted on the recievers side.

Maybe I missed something?

Help appreciated.


Lasse A.

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