On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 11:58:32PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 04:18:57PM -0700, Bob Foster wrote:
> > Excellent!  Thanks!  You solved my problem, maybe I can solve yours.  If
> > you have root access on the remote server, try linking from /usr/bin/rsync
> > to /usr/local/bin/rsync.  Here's the command:
> > 
> > ln -s /usr/local/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync
> > 
> > Now, can someone tell us why the remote shell isn't seeing /usr/local/bin?
> >  As far as I can tell, it's in the path.
> Either rsh or ssh into the machine as the user you're doing the rsync
> as and 'echo $PATH'. This is the path used to find rsync.
> BTW, modifying the value of RSYNC_NAME in rsync.h to the path of rsync
> on the remote machine will work around --rsync-path=[path to rsync].
> Would it be worthwhile to have a configure option to change the
> default?

Yes, please submit a patch.  I'll make sure it gets in.  I would use it too.

Please make sure it can accept semicolons and spaces; I currently always
modify the source to set RSYNC_NAME to "PATH=/opt/exp/bin:$PATH; rsync".
(I realize that doesn't work for all shells but it is very rare around here
for somebody to use a login shell that isn't compatible with bourne shell).

- Dave

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