
        This is my first post to the list, so I want to make sure I explain
myself. I have been trying to program an rsync IO slave for KDE off and
on for a couple of weeks (My C++ skills aren't what they used to be). I
was wondering if it would be possible to consider building and rsync
library that could be linked into other programs for accessing the
functionality of rsync??? I think that it could be very beneficial to
*NIX users everywhere if we could build applications that use RSYNC
instead of FTP for file transfer, especially rsync over SSH. Plus, while
rsync is great for technical users, our non-technical linux users in the
office have a hard time using rsync/scp without a GUI built around it.
If anyone is interested in talking to me or collaboration on the
creation of and rsync lib, please e-mail me or reply to the list.

Thank you,
Deven Phillips, CISSP
Network Architect
Viata Online, Inc.

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