On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Wilson, Mark - MST wrote:
> Umm, errr, I have to confess that I don't know how to apply your hang
> patch... I did try the patch command, but to no avail.

You may need a newer version of the patch program, then.  The way to
apply it is very straightforward.  Chdir to the rsync source, grab the
diff (e.g. "wget URL"), and then run "patch -p0 <rsync-nohang.patch".

If that doesn't work, you can grab a new version of the patch program
from any gnu archive -- for instance:


> Also the patch you list below (link) is different to one I saved of
> one of your earlier emails.

I posted the two different fixes separately to the mailing list, but the
URL in my last email has both no-hang fixes together in one file.


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