On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 11:41:50AM +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> I did skim it.  What does it do?

>From the website:

        Using rsync+ for file updates, a flexible, powerful replication
        mechanism can be developed for publishing source objects into the
        I2-DSI replication service, and the approach enables scalable network
        distribution through multicast-based solutions.

The patch basically adds the ability to, instead of applying updates directly
to targets, store update information in files which in turn can be used to
apply those updates to targets. This makes it possible to use, say, multicast
technology for distributing batch updates. I.e.

    rsync --write-batch => files => (multicast) => files => rsync --read-batch

Jos Backus                 _/  _/_/_/        Santa Clara, CA
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]     _/_/   _/_/_/            use Std::Disclaimer;

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