(Thanks for the nice summary.)

I'm pretty open to other people becoming co-maintainers.  I think it
would be good to follow the standard open source procedure of giving
access once people have submitted a few good patches to establish
credibility.  The final decision is tridge's I think, but it would
probably be good (for example) for Wayne Davison to get commit access
soon if he'd like it.

I think we have to transition away from depending upon tridge to make
releases, since as Dave said he has a lot on his large plate.  I think
I will build a tarball called 2.4.7pre1 and write up a NEWS file, and
let people try it out before we promote that to 2.4.7.  A number of
useful changes have gone in over the last year or so.

I'd also like the distribution to be better about giving credit to
people who've helped with development.  I have put a THANKS file in
the source directory.  This is also common practice for open source
projects.  Obviously I've only been working on this for the last year
and a half or so, so some people's names will be missing.  Please send
mail if you are missing or know somebody who is missing.

The other thing worth mentioning is the rsync Faq-O-Matic on the web
site, which has now accumulated quite a number of useful answers.  I'd
encourage anyone who's found rsync useful to contribute back by adding
a little bit of advice or documentation into the FOM.

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