On 18 Jul 2001, Sudarshan Ramaswamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> In continuation of my Problem . I found out the following
> upon issuing the command ldd i find that libraries were different on
> diferent machines because of the different Operating System versions.
> rsync to the workstation of Same solaris OS will not give any error.
> Does rsync need the Opearting System to be of the same version?. If
> different How to make rsync work.

rsync has no specific requirements about library versions as far as I
am aware.  Binary compatibility issues should be exactly the same as
for other programs on your platform.  

Consult your compiler or operating system manual for information on
building programs that will work across multiple versions.

Since systems usually try to provide backward compatibility, sometimes
a quick solution is to build the program on the *older* system.

VA Linux Systems

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