Hi All,

I'm running rsync version 2.4.6 protocol version 24 on several Solaris 2.8
computers, and seversl RedHat Linux 7.2 computers.  I have several
character devices that I am rsyncing from my Solaris computer.  Rsync
works from one solaris to another solaris computer.  But rsyncing these
devices does not work from a solaris computer to the Linux computer.
The devices are being copied over for archival reasons, and really aren't
going to be used in any "device" manner, but it would be nice if they
were correct.

Here's an example of what the device looks like on the solaris computer:
crw-------   1 root     sys       15,  0 Aug 31  2000 wc@0:wscons
crw-------   1 root     sys       11,104 Aug 31  2000 clone@0:qe

And this is the incorrect rsynced version on the Linux computer:
crw-------    1 root     sys        0,   0 Aug 31  2000 wc@0:wscons
crw-------    1 root     sys        0, 104 Aug 31  2000 clone@0:qe

Rsync gets most everything correct except the device's MAJOR number.
But since it runs daily in a cronjob, rsync notices that the device
isn't correct the next day and proceeds to re-copy this device over again.

Here's my rsync command:
rsync -avx --delete --exclude=lost+found --exclude=TT_DB \
        user@solarisserver::solaris-usr-local/ /solaris/

I've also tried adding the -D flag (which is included in the -a flag).

Anyone with any suggestions?


Cheryl Southard

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