I have two rsync 2.5.1pre3 sessions hung right now.  In this case it
appears that the processes at the destination have exited and the src is
still waiting for something.

Here are some more details:

SRC: solaris 2.7 (2G RAM 2 CPU)
DST: linux  (one is 2.4.8, the other is 2.2.18)
Transport: ssh

PS FROM THE SOURCE shows two ssh channels open 
(parallel rsync thanks to a simple perl script)

# ps -aef |grep ssh
    root  9893  9885  0 19:08:05 ?        0:02 /usr/local/bin/ssh
penmtc   /usr/bin/rsync --server -vvlWogDtpr --timeout=6000
    root  9879  9873  0 19:08:05 ?        0:01 /usr/local/bin/ssh
penkjose /usr/bin/rsync --server -vvlWogDtpr --timeout=6000

PS FROM THE SOURCE SHOWS normal rsync processes
(the two important ones are 9885 and 9873)

# ps -aef |grep rsync
    root  9885  9877  0 19:08:05 ?        0:25
/usr1/tis/sunos6/bin/rsync -W -a --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --delete
    root  9870  9839  0 19:08:05 ?        0:00 sh -c
/usr1/tis/sunos6/bin/rsync  -W  -a --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --delete
    root  9893  9885  0 19:08:05 ?        0:02 /usr/local/bin/ssh
penmtc   /usr/bin/rsync --server -vvlWogDtpr --timeout=6000
    root  9879  9873  0 19:08:05 ?        0:01 /usr/local/bin/ssh
penkjose /usr/bin/rsync --server -vvlWogDtpr --timeout=6000
    root  9877  9853  0 19:08:05 ?        0:00 sh -c
/usr1/tis/sunos6/bin/rsync  -W  -a 
    root  9873  9870  0 19:08:05 ?        0:24
/usr1/tis/sunos6/bin/rsync -W -a --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --delete

# truss -p 9873
poll(0xFFBE6F38, 1, 6000000)    (sleeping...)

# truss -p 9885
poll(0xFFBE6F30, 1, 6000000)    (sleeping...)

Next checking the destinations for rsync processes:

# ssh penkjose
Last login: Mon Dec 17 13:48:33 2001 from herc
Have a lot of fun...
penkjose:~ # ps -aef |grep rsync
root      6367  6357  0 19:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep rsync
penkjose:~ # exit

# ssh penmtc
Last login: Mon Dec 17 19:48:01 2001 from herc
penmtc:~ # ps -aef |grep rsync
root      1187  1177  0 19:48 pts/0    00:00:00 grep rsync
penmtc:~ # exit

It is my experience that once they timeout it will continue, but it is
odd that the three rsync processes are not coordinating things better.


Martin Pool wrote:
> On 17 Dec 2001, Ed Santiago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > rsync 2.5.0 still has a bug where it hangs under some circumstances.
> >
> > The hang is beyond my abilities to track down.
> The other thing you absolutely need to send is the output of
> netstat -ta
> while the program is running.  If netstat on your platform supports
> other options to get more info like -p -o -e then you can specify them
> as well.
> Thanks.
> --
> Martin

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