On  5 Apr 2002, Mark Santcroos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While digging through the code it was sometimes unclear to me what the
> particular piece of code does. I found the number of comments very low.
> How about that we put some more description in the code to make it easier
> for everyone?

I agree completely.  Also, some of the special cases, like (f == -1)
are quite mysterious.

If anybody is writing comments, please format them to work with
Doxygen <www.doxygen.org>, which is quite similar to Javadoc.
Basically, you just need to mark documentation comments with /** **/;
there are other tags you can use either by copying existing examples
or looking at the Doxygen web site.

You can see the results here:


I know people usually want to look at the source in an editor rather
than a web browser, but even so having a standard format for comments
might be good.


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