Nevermind, I think I got it. I had the location set to Monterrey Mexico
(being in Texas, that's pretty close), but methinks they don't do daylight
savings there. Changing it to Chicago got me into CDT.

Everything seems to be working now. Thanks for the help.


On 4/9/02 1:21 AM, "Robert Silge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> boldly proclaimed:

> Tue Apr  9 07:18:37 UTC 2002 -local
> Tue Apr  9 06:21:58 UTC 2002 -distant
> well, that would explain it. It's the CST vs. CDT thing. The local comp is
> always an hour ahead. Now how do I change that? I can never remember what's
> standard and what's daylight. And besides, I don't have root access on the
> distant machine, so I couldn't change it there anyway. So I guess I need to
> figure out how to make my machine CDT?
> -Rob
> On 4/9/02 2:00 AM, "Martin Pool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> boldly proclaimed:
>> On  9 Apr 2002, Robert Silge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> They are two minutes off, but I've waited far longer than that, but
>>> the CST vs. CDT thing might make a difference?
>>> Tue Apr  9 00:55:51 CST 2002 -local comp
>>> Tue Apr  9 00:58:19 CDT 2002 -distant comp
>> Could that be central standard time vs central daylight time?  What
>> does
>> date -u
>> show on the two machines?

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