With the exception of SIGKILL (usually number 9), and SIGSEGV(usually 
number 11), kills are just signals.  Most programs respond to 
SIGTERM(usually number 15, and the default signal from the kill program) 
by putting their toys away and going to bed, so to speak.  They are free, 
however, to ignore the signal (or to be hung and just not notice it).  Try 
a "kill -KILL" on the processes, and i suspect that they will go away.

That doesn't address the root problem, though.  I've seen ancient hung 
processes, but don't know how to prevent them.

Tim Conway
Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC
1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D
Longmont, CO 80501
Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM
perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn, 
".\n" '
"There are some who call me.... Tim?"

04/11/2002 03:01 AM

        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc:     (bcc: Tim Conway/LMT/SC/PHILIPS)
        Subject:        rsync processes hang and client failing on "max connections"

rsync processes hang and client failing on "max connections",
I can't kill rsync process.

The temporary work around are:
increase max connections in /etc/rsyncd.conf
reboot the server !

The client get this error:
@ERROR: max connections (6) reached - try again later

$ ps -aux | grep rsync
admin    30408  0.0  0.0  1696  232 ?        S    Mar26   0:00 [rsync]
admin    28121  0.0  0.0  1688   40 ?        S    Mar26   0:00 [rsync]
admin    29137  0.0  0.0  1724   40 ?        S    Mar26   0:00 [rsync]
admin    30430  0.0  0.0  1724   40 ?        S    Mar26   0:00 [rsync]
admin    11476  0.0  0.0  1688   40 ?        S    Mar27   0:01 [rsync]
root      4529  0.0  0.6  2412 1704 ?        S    Apr10   0:03
rsyncd --daemon
admin    16211  0.0  0.2  1368  520 pts/0    S    02:48   0:00 grep rsync

Some rsync process never exit they are up for ~20 days.
I can't kill them, nothing happen when I try to:
kill 4529
kill 30408

rsync is started from inetd
rsync  version on the server 2.5.2 clients are 2.5.2 and 2.5.4

Please advise

Dib Urim

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