On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 12:23:16PM -0700, Jos Backus wrote:
> This patch updates the files under popt/ to the latest vendor drop. The only
> change is the inclusion of a FreeBSD-specific patch to popt.c. This is needed
> in case somebody decides to build rsync on that platform without using the
> port. I'm not happy about the wording in popt/README.rsync so I may change it.
> The patch is available at
>     http://www.catnook.com/rsync-popt-1.5.1.patch

I have just submitted a patch against librsync that included changes to the
popt included in it for cygwin and MSVC compatability. Near as I can tell
the popt I was patching was v1.3.

Do you (or anyone else) know if the 1.5.1 version fixes cygwin and MSVC
compilation? (by MSVC I mean doing "configure CC=cl --build=windows32" in
cygwin). Should I be submitting my changes somewhere else upstream?

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info, including pgp key

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