I compile rsync on Mac OSX (not sure of the osx version, but uname -a
says it's darwin 5.5) but haven't tried running as a daemon.  I suggest
that you try to debug it further.  setgroups() is only called one place,
in clientserver.c, with parameters setgroups(0, NULL), and only if
the define HAVE_SETGROUPS is set.  This call was a relatively recent
security fix addition to rsync.  The OSX setgroups man page says that the
EINVAL error is only supposed to occur if the first parameter is greater
than NGROUPS_MAX.  Apparently it is also reporting that error if the first
parameter is zero.

- Dave Dykstra

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 02:51:40PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've got mine setup in inetd.conf to be executed on a per-call request
> of port 873 as written in the man pages. The advantage of using this
> method, is that when the client is done and disconnects, the daemon
> quits, thereby freeing up resources that it was using. Word of warning
> though if you want to try this route.. you need to add an rsync tcp
> entry for port 873 into Services with the NetInfo manager in addition to
> editing the /etc/inetd.conf file.  You'll have to restart to get any
> changes to inetd.conf take effect as 'killall -HUP inetd' has no effect.
> When run in the manner above, it is started up as the root user (as
> specified in inetd.conf).
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Catalino Cuadrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:19 pm
> Subject: Re: rsync digest, Vol 1 #778 - 11 msgs
> > I haven't gotten it to work successfully, I'm still struggling 
> > with the
> > same setgroups error that you are. However, I can tell you what I have
> > tried. So far I have rsync configured to run in --daemon mode 
> > using the
> > command: sudo rsync --daemon I can prompt it for a list of 
> > modules, but
> > when I go to copy a module, I get the error @ERROR: setgroups failed.
> > I can copy locally, from one HD to another, but I can't get it to copy
> > over the network, even using the sudo rsync ipaddress:/Filename / 
> > method.So it's been kind of aggrivating. I'm thinking it has to do 
> > with the fact
> > that rsync needs to be run locally, and you're running it from a 
> > remoteserver... If there's a way to trick the system into thinking 
> > that the
> > rsync daemon is running as root on the local machine, that would 
> > be ideal.
> > Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the UNIX side of things 
> > to get
> > that far.
> > -Tito
> > 
> > > Message: 5
> > > Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:08:00 -0600
> > > Subject: rsync 2.5.5 and Mac OS X
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > Greetings,
> > >
> > > Has anyone successfully compiled rsync 2.5.5 under Mac OS X (not
> > > Server), and actually have it work fully?
> > >
> > > I'm in a position where I'm trying to setup an automated nightly 
> > remote> backup between and Cobalt Raq4 (running a variant of 
> > Redhat Linux) and a
> > > Mac running OS X 10.1.5 with the latest development tools 
> > installed.  As
> > > has been pointed out previously on the list, one has to 
> > ./configure with
> > > the --disable-ipv6 flag to even get it to compile at all.  However
> > > there's further issues when trying to back up to the Mac running 
> > rsync> in inetd --daemon mode.
> > >
> > > When I issue the following command:
> > >
> > > ---
> > > rsync -avz /home [EMAIL PROTECTED]::raqbackup
> > > ---
> > >
> > > I get the following error:
> > >
> > > ---
> > > @ERROR: setgroups failed
> > > rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (79 bytes read so far)
> > > rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at 
> > io.c(150)> ---
> > >
> > > On the server end, rsyncd.log shows the following:
> > >
> > > ---
> > > 2002/06/27 09:50:03 [19768] setgroups failed: Invalid argument
> > > ---
> > >
> > > I've had luck running rsync 2.5.2 running through ssh, but 
> > because I
> > > can't get it to retain the user/group ownership settings it's 
> > completely> useless as 'mirrored' backup unless I spent the next 
> > month hand
> > > restoring the file ownership's by hand.  The man pages noted this
> > > limitation, unless running as super-user, which I haven't been 
> > able to
> > > get to work (use chroot=yes in rsyncd.conf doesn't seem to do it)
> > >
> > > If anyone has been able to get Mac OS X 10.1.5 running as a 
> > rsync server
> > > in such a fashion, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
> > >
> > > For debuging purposes, my current rsyncd.conf is:
> > >
> > > ---
> > > use chroot = yes
> > > max connections = 1
> > > syslog facility = local5
> > > motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
> > > log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
> > > pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
> > > lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
> > >
> > > [raqbackup]
> > >         path = /Volumes/Eeyore/RaqBackup
> > >         comment = Raq Backup Directory
> > >         auth users = xxxxxxx
> > >         secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
> > > ---
> > >
> > > and the destination directory is set as:
> > >
> > > ---
> > > drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody  nobody      24 Jun 26 22:09 RaqBackup
> > > ---
> -- 
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