Hi Wayne,

I tried your suggestion, but did not work. It still copied the entire
filesystem across to the destination machine.
I tried having the following:
+ /*/clock_speed
+ /*/fub_layout
- /*

+ circuit_design/clock_speed
+ circuit_design/fub_layout
- /*

+ /stor/circuit_design/clock_speed
+ /stor/circuit_design/fub_layout
- /*

Could you explain to me the idea of having the +, -, and /* ? Do the number
of /* indicate the subdirectory levels before arriving at the directory to

The other alternative you suggested below works well:
rsync -avz /stor/circuit_design/{clock_speed,fub_layout}

But I would like to have these include list into a file, as I'd be having
many other sub-directories to include, yet exclude.

Appreciate it if you could help me out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Davison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:57 AM
To: Leaw, Chern Jian
Subject: Re: --include option

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Leaw, Chern Jian wrote:
>       # rsync -avz --include-from=files_included  /stor/circuit_design/
> mickey.willowglen.com:/stor/circuit_design/

The problem with your command is that it contains include directives but
no exclusions, so nothing limits the default operation of sending the
entire subdirectory contents.  An easier way to go for this specific
problem is to ignore includes and specify two source dirs, like this:

    rsync -avz /stor/circuit_design/{clock_speed,fub_layout}

The above assumes your shell has {} expansion, like bash and zsh.  If it
does not, just mention both directories separately (without any trailing
slash).  The trailing slash on the destination isn't required, but it 
doesn't hurt either, so I left it in.

To make things work with your include-using command, you'd need to use
something like this in your include file:

+ /clock_speed 
+ /fub_layout
- /*

This allows the two directories you want, and excludes everything else
in the base directory of the transfer.  Since none of the rules apply to
files deeper than the base dir, none of them will be excluded.

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