You did not specifically mention it: compression (-z) would probably help more than anything. Otherwise, you could do something like:

Have a file (ie filelist.txt) that contains the filename (with relative paths), one file per line.

rsync -rRWz `cat filelist.txt` user@hostname::module

The only limitation to this is if you have a large file list you may get a shell error.

It has already been suggested in this list, as well as by myself in the rsync wishlist for a new option to specify a file that has a list of files to be transferred.

wim delvaux wrote:
HI all,

efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks

Suppose I know the list of files that are changed
What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list.

Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from points to FILE names and not FILE patterns

Suggestions ?

Aaron W Morris
PGP Key ID:  259978D1

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