On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 04:49:20PM -0700, Bill Geddes wrote:
> Am I running out of memory on the source server?  Seems perhaps more
> plausible than on the client - it has nothing going on and 1Gb RAM.
> The server has rsync version 2.5.5.  The client has 2.5.6.

Yes, it looks like the sender is running out of memory.
Break the job up.

> I am currently mounting the server directory via NFS, and using rsync to
> copy from the mounted directory to the target.  Slow, but it is running!

If you continue over NFS be sure you do checksums of
everything afterward.  NFS has (or at least used to) a
measurable error rate.

> On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:52:10 -0800
> jw schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 02:20:33PM -0700, Bill Geddes wrote:
> > > More error data:
> > > 
> > > The usage I have described returns an error code of 12 -
> > > Error in rsync protocol data stream
> > > 
> > > Also, on the tail end of the std out:
> > > 
> > > opendir(somedir): Not enough space
> > > done
> > > somedir/
> > > somedir/.somefile is uptodate
> > > somedir/somefile.HTML
> > > ERROR: out of memory in map_ptr
> > > rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at
> > > util.c(232)
> > > somedir/doc/somefile/
> > > rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer
> > > rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(162)
> > 
> > malloc has failed.  You're out of memory.  rsync can be a
> > memory pig.  Upgrading to cvs or 2.5.6pre* _may_ help.
> > 
> > It is probably necessary to break the job up.  A better
> > gauge of the memory requirements of an rsync transfer would
> > be df -i or find . | wc -l

        J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
        email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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