On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 10:51:19AM -0500, Andrew J. Schorr wrote:
> > I've noticed every time someone does an rsync-request on my ftp-site
> > (which also provides rsync as mirror method), rsyncd creates a filelist.
> > This is a quite IO and CPU intensive procedure, especially for things
> > mirrors like FreeBSD with lots of little files.
> > 
> > I was wondering... is there a way to cache that filelist? Our mirrors
> > are updated once, or twice a day, it could speed up downloads when I
> > create a filelist everytime we've mirrored others.
> Please take a look at the --files-from feature that is now in the CVS tree,
> courtesy of Wayne Davison.  That should do what you want.  It allows you to
> create a set list of files and save rsync the work of scanning the directory
> tree each time.  Of course, rsync still creates a filelist, but it doesn't
> have to recurse over the directory tree, so it should be much faster.

Oops, you're right.  I guess I applied the patch to my CVS tree and then
forgot that I had.  Sorry about that.  You can grab the files-from patch
from here:


It seems to apply cleanly to the current CVS tree.

Good luck,
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